Ukraine Support and Updates
For the latest on our efforts to support those on the move as a result of the conflict in Ukraine and updates on intelligence that aids in the prevention of exploitation
Key Judgements
STOP THE TRAFFIK Group has a strong history of delivering activity with vulnerable communities that reduces their risk of being trafficked into exploitation. In the current crisis, we are working with a range of ground partners to produce an analysis.
Key Judgements 3 - April 2022
Key Judgements 4 - May 2022
Key Judgements 5 - June 2022
Key Judgements 6 - August 2022
Key Judgements 7 - September 2022
Help and Support / Допомога та підтримка
If you’re looking for support as a person who has recently moved or re-settled in Europe because of the war in Ukraine, read our top tips about how to protect yourself when you get to a safe place or find work. Details of support organisations across Europe are also included:
Якщо ви нещодавно переїхали або тимчасово оселилися у Європі через війну в Україні та потребуєте підтримки, прочитайте наші основні поради про те, як захистити себе під час пошуку нової роботи та житла. Також ознайомтеся з відомостями про організації підтримки у Європі.
Подорожуйте безпечно, залишайтесь в безпеці українською
Перемещайтесь безопасно, оставайтесь в безопасности на русском.
Travel safe, Stay safe English Language
If you’re looking for support as a person who has recently moved or re-settled in the UK because of the war in Ukraine, read our top tips about finding accommodation and work, how to stay safe and avoid exploitation, and information about support organisations.
Якщо ви нещодавно переїхали або знову оселилися у Великій Британії через війну в Україні та шукаєте підтримки, прочитайте наші основні поради про безпечний пошук житла та роботи, як залишатися в безпеці та уникнути експлуатації, а також інформацію про організації підтримки у Великобританії.
Безпечне життя у Великобританії українською
Stay Safe in the UK English language
19 October 2022
Since March 2022, STOP THE TRAFFIK Group, including Traffik Analysis Hub, has run an intelligence-led, Europe-wide, geo-targeted digital prevention campaign that provides vital safety information to those on the move as a result of the war in Ukraine.
Over the last eight months, STOP THE TRAFFIK Group has worked with its partners and collaborators across multiple sectors to deliver this prevention campaign that has reached over 4 million people! This report outlines our intelligence-led approach in action.
“I am convinced that the real success will be if people use this resource to inform their work and continue to fight trafficking as short-term assistance subsidies and risk increase. -
Ilona Oleksiuk, S
Ukraine Emergency Prevention Project Manager.
We have compiled the findings and results of our work in our Ukraine Impact Report, which can be read here.
Read the full update HERE.
29 July 2022
Throughout our campaign, we have been working with over 18 NGOs, across 12 countries. Our work has been possible because of the trusted partnerships and collaborations that have shared data, taken action led by insight and sought to support each other.
On the 13th of July 2022, 37 of us met online to celebrate each other, but more importantly to talk about how to accelerate our learning and our shared ability to take action. We all know something, but only by sharing are we building a rich picture everyone can use.
Read the full update HERE.
17 June 2022
From March 2022, Traffik Analysis Hub and STOP THE TRAFFIK have run a Europe-wide, geo-targeted digital prevention campaign that is providing vital safety information to those who are on the move as a result of the conflict in Ukraine.
Our response is now the STOP THE TRAFFIK Group’s longest-running campaign to date and has reached over 2 million people. We have compiled the findings and results of our work in our Ukraine Impact Report.
“Two million reach is a really important milestone particularly when you consider many of these two million will represent family groups. This suggests we have had some influence on the behaviour on a significant proportion of the refugee set. Their stories and an analysis of their stories equate to the intelligence we need to focus our work going forward. Our partners are fundamental to this process.
Neil Giles
Director of Intelligence
Read the full update HERE.
26 May 2022
STOP THE TRAFFIK and Traffik Analysis Hub have shared a campaign update on their Ukraine Emergency Response.
“WORK SAFE IN SOUTHERN EUROPE, the third in the series of prevention campaigns, targets the countries across Southern Europe from the “TRAVEL SAFE, STAY SAFE” and “TRAVEL SAFE, WORK SAFE” campaigns alongside the places believed to be where people will move to settle.
This campaign focuses on providing people with crucial safety information as they seek work. This is another stage when traffickers will try to exploit so STOP THE TRAFFIK and Traffik Analysis Hub’s presence at this time is essential.
6 May 2022
STOP THE TRAFFIK & Traffik Analysis Hub regularly monitor events that will likely impact operational, human rights, and supply chain risk and provide briefing notes. This Ukraine Update April Review outlines Intelligence for Business and highlights sectors that are likely to be at risk.
Read the full update HERE.
26 April 2022
STOP THE TRAFFIK and Traffik Analysis Hub have shared a campaign update on their Ukraine Emergency Response.
“TRAVEL SAFE, WORK SAFE”, the second in the series of prevention campaigns, continues to target the countries across Europe from the “TRAVEL SAFE, STAY SAFE” campaign alongside the places believed to be where people will move to settle. This campaign focuses on providing people with crucial safety information as they seek work, financial means, or community integration. This is another stage when traffickers will try to exploit so STOP THE TRAFFIK and Traffik Analysis Hub’s presence at this time is essential.
Read the full update HERE.
21 April 2022
The STOP THE TRAFFIK Group Statement on UK Government Rwandan Proposal
“The UK government has announced plans to force some asylum seekers to be relocated to Rwanda in order to counter the business model of the human smugglers or traffickers.
We are pleased that the Home Office is keen to break the ‘business model’ of the traffickers and exploiters.
STOP THE TRAFFIK (STT) recognise that whether individuals are being trafficked or smuggled at different points of their journey, criminals see profit and opportunity. However, the details of the Home Office’s methodology are unclear and STT believes that this plan could in fact increase the potential profit to the traffickers and risk to those vulnerable to being exploited.
Read the full statement HERE.
13 April 2022
STOP THE TRAFFIK & Traffik Analysis Hub regularly monitor events that will likely impact operational, human rights, and supply chain risk and provide briefing notes. With the recent invasion of Ukraine leading to severe disruption of supply chains and causing a refugee crisis in Europe, STOP THE TRAFFIK & Traffik Analysis Hub has provided an updated downloadable briefing of our investigation.
Continue to read the full briefing HERE.
12 April 2022
STOP THE TRAFFIK and Traffik Analysis Hub have released a poster promoting The STOP APP. Trusted by 16,000+ users, it puts the ability to help stop misinformation in the hands of people on the ground.

Download the ENGLISH poster HERE.
Download the UKRAINIAN poster HERE.
Download the POLISH poster HERE.
Download the RUSSIAN poster HERE.
29 March 2022
The STOP APP is one way we can help get a richer picture of what’s happening on the ground. You can download The STOP APP at the App Store or at
Read more HERE.
25 March 2022
STOP THE TRAFFIK and Traffik Analysis Hub Launch TRAVEL SAFE, STAY SAFE Resource Campaign.
Today, STOP THE TRAFFIK and Traffik Analysis Hub have launched a Europe-wide prevention campaign that will provide vital safety information to those who are on the move as a result of the conflict in Ukraine.
‘TRAVEL SAFE, STAY SAFE’, the first of a series of prevention campaigns, seeks to bring immediate preventative information into the hands of those at high risk of exploitation. The campaign targets countries across Europe including Romania, Latvia, Poland, Moldova, Hungary, and Austria in three languages: English, Ukrainian and Russian.

This is the graphic that those on the move due to the conflict in the Ukraine will be shown, in multiple languages, on Facebook and Instagram which will forward them to our TRAVEL SAFE, STAY SAFE information resource
22 March 2022
STOP THE TRAFFIK Ukraine Briefing 22 March 2022
“STOP THE TRAFFIK & Traffik Analysis Hub regularly monitor events that will likely impact operational, human rights, and supply chain risk and provide briefing notes. With the recent invasion of Ukraine leading to severe disruption of supply chains and causing a refugee crisis in Europe, STOP THE TRAFFIK & Traffik Analysis Hub has provided a downloadable briefing of our investigation.
Continue to read the full briefing HERE.
3 March 2022
STOP THE TRAFFIK and Traffik Analysis Hub Statement on the Conflict in Ukraine
“We are extremely concerned and saddened about the escalating situation and ongoing military action in Ukraine.
Alongside the devastation we feel for the loss of civilian life, we are increasingly concerned about the impact this conflict will have on the exploitation and trafficking of those whose vulnerabilities will have been exacerbated by this conflict.
Continue to read the full briefing HERE.
If we can’t see it, we can’t stop it.
If you have experienced or witnessed exploitation please report via The STOP APP. The STOP APP is globally available in multiple languages and allows for secure and anonymous reporting.
If you are NGO please feel free to report this tool to your service users or to escalate any trends or data you are seeing then please email us at
Please do share these resources across social media and your networks. The further we can spread this message the more people we can equip with vital safety messages.
Keep an eye on this page for updates and resources.
If you are an NGO or Law Enforcement Agency we urgently need your survivor stories. You can get access to Traffik Analysis Hub for free by contacting us here.