We are extremely concerned and saddened about the escalating situation and ongoing military action in Ukraine.
Alongside the devastation we feel for the loss of civilian life, we are increasingly concerned about the impact this conflict will have on the exploitation and trafficking of those whose vulnerabilities will have been exacerbated by this conflict.
Up to an estimated, 5 million people may be displaced because of this conflict and many of these people may be without access to work, financial support and in areas where they have little or no support networks. Many others will not be able to flee but equally will face vulnerabilities such as a lack of secure housing, work, or support. We will also see impacts on global supply chains that previously would have had many people from Ukraine in their workforce. All of these aspects are an opportunity for those who seek to exploit these vulnerabilities, traffick people and turn this tragedy into profit.
Neil Giles, Chief Executive Officer of Traffik Analysis Hub, states:
“We know that Ukrainian citizens are represented in the exploited workforce in the United Kingdom as well as being strongly represented in Seasonal Agricultural Workers arena. We also know that people on the move in large numbers are swiftly targeted by traffickers. We are keen to hear of any such criminal approaches and we will work with all our partners to spot the signs, and to undermine the trafficker networks’ capacity to recruit, exploit and profit from this disaster.”
STOP THE TRAFFIK and the Traffik Analysis Hub is focused on preventing this from happening globally by disrupting the operations of those who seek to take advantage of vulnerable communities at this time. We already have a program of work launching in the UK that will seek to prevent the trafficking of Ukrainians and other surrounding nationalities into forced labour in the UK. Alongside these efforts, we encourage any initiatives that will support the safe passage of those fleeing Ukraine alongside clear access to support in the countries they arrive in to minimise their vulnerability to traffickers.
An aspect that is critical to this global response and collaboration is being able to understand how this conflict is impacting trafficking and where traffickers are targeting, so we can ensure many more people can avoid or escape exploitation. To build up this clear picture we need data, stories and information.
Download the STOP APP here and send us information to build a richer picture of what is happening in your community. Without clear data we cannot know and predict where traffickers are most likely to target and therefore intervene, so even what might seem like small details are essential to us. You can report anonymously and in multiple languages.
Are you an NGO? If you are an NGO that is in an impacted region and require anti-trafficking resources or intelligence reports, then please reach out to us at info@stopthetraffik.org.
About Traffik Analysis Hub
A unique collaboration between STOP THE TRAFFIK, IBM and Clifford Chance LLP. Begun in 2017 to create the richest global understanding of trafficking in, and exploitation of people and to make insights and accessible analysis available to every actor in every sector. Traffik Analysis Hub was publicly launched in Washington DC in November 2019 and is already the richest data set on trafficking globally, helping Financial Institutions, Businesses, NGOs and Law Enforcement to work smarter.
STOP THE TRAFFIK was founded in 2006 as a campaign coalition to bring an end to human trafficking worldwide. Through radical information sharing and collaboration, STOP THE TRAFFIK aims to build a global picture of human trafficking hotspots and trends, to empower individuals, organisations and agencies to make more informed and better choices, to signpost them to safe places to get help and support and to encourage appropriate response and reporting.